You had to be a feminist
How to talk about feminism beyond social media? How to explain the consequences of misogyny in a museum? This exhibition, fully created and developed under curfew, used everyday phrases as the backbone to show the systematic discrimination women go through both in the personal and the political spheres. Backed by statistics, the narrative counted on easy language accessible to everyone, straightforward spotlight to what’s now inadmissible, collective stories from people’s real lives, a giant apple raised against Catholic guilt and a 3m high FEMINAZI word, built only to be destroyed.
About the process:
How to make a killer data-based exhibition on Medium
Surveys, Sexism and the Beauty of Question-Making on Medium
Selected Press
“Feminista Havies de Ser se convierte en un fenómeno en el Palau Robert” LaVanguardia
Feminista tenías que ser: el machismo en datos Yorokobu
Feminista Havies de Ser TV3
Feminista tenías que ser Adhertising
Role: Content Direction, Research
Client: Generalitat de Catalunya | Palau Robert
Year: 2020/2021
Agency: Domestic Data Streamers With: Natza Farré
Overview: 80k visits | 4M interactions onTwitter | 1.931 testimonials onsite